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5 Tips for staying healthy this winter

Winter can be a difficult time to stay motivated and healthy. Here are some tips to keep you healthy and get you feeling your best this winter season.

  1. Try to stay active 

Staying active is an amazing way to keep you energetic and boost your immune system. We know the cold make you want to stay curled up under the sheets but keeping yourself moving is essential. You can try some indoor activities such as using a treadmill, dancing or even signing up to a local indoor swimming pool. 

  1. Get some Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very important all year round but it is especially important in the winter months due to the reduced exposure to sunlight. To avoid a vitamin D deficiency, ensure you get adequate amounts of vitamin D in your diet. Some good sources of vitamin D include fortified cereals, dairy products, fish and eggs. You can consider using a vitamin D supplement if diet alone is not sufficient. 

  1. Take care of your mental health 

While looking after your physical health, don’t forget to care for your mental health as well. You can make time to spend with family or friends every week, speak to a neighbor or just do something you enjoy once a week. Try to get as much natural light as possible and find ways to keep yourself engaged. Even small amounts of daylight can have a very positive impact on your mood and your body.

  1. Avoid getting sick 

The winter is the perfect season for lots of viruses such as the flu, common cold and COVID-19 to circulate and spread. It is important for you to take as many measures to protect yourself from these viruses. In addition to boosting your immune system, read about the other ways to stay healthy during the flu season. 

  1. Stay warm!

There are many ways to stay warm during the cold months. With energy costs going up, these tips could help you stay warm without breaking the bank. You can try layering up, whether inside or outside, eating hot meals and using an electric blanket. Staying warm can help you stay well during the winter season. 

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