Written by 9:34 am Lifestyle, Recovery Views: 22

15 Tips to stay active with a Busy Schedule

A moderate incline runs towards the foot of Maybury Hill, and down this we clattered. Once the lightning had begun.

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Too busy to add exercise to your schedule? Don’t worry, there are a number of ways you can increase your physical activity levels without having to make time for a full workout.

Use these tips to incorporate exercise into your day and you can still get the different benefits that are associated with being active!

1. Walk short distances instead of driving

2. Get off the bus a stop earlier and walk

3. Stand whenever you can, for instance, on the train or on the bus

4. Take the stairs instead of the lift when you can

5. Walk your dog

6. Park further away from your destination and walk

7. Do some house chores

8. Go on a walk with friends

9. Do sit ups or stretch during TV ad breaks

10. Walk and talk during phone calls

11. Go for a walk during your break at work

12. Get a standing desk if you work from home

13. Do an online workout session on rainy days

14. Join a sport club15.  Set a daily target whether it be steps, distance or active minutes

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