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Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is an essential part of our daily lives but it can sometimes be challenging to get good quality sleep. Even when you have enough time to sleep, it can be difficult to fall asleep and this can make it more difficult to stay functional throughout the day. 

Understanding sleep hygiene and imbibing healthy sleep habits can improve the quality of your sleep and help overcome some sleep difficulties. 

What is sleep hygiene? 

Sleep hygiene is simply a term used to describe good sleep habits. It includes a set of practices during the day and before bedtime that have been shown to create an ideal and healthy environment for good quality sleep. 

Adopting these practices will not only help you fall asleep easier, but will also help you stay asleep through the night and wake up feeling well rested. 

7 Sleep Hygiene Tips 

  1. Have a sleep schedule: having a set sleep schedule means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day including weekends. This helps to regulate your body’s natural sleep cycle and trains your body to get into a rhythm of consistent sleep. 
  1. Create a bedtime routine: create your pre-bedtime or bedtime routine to remind your body that it is time to sleep. You can dedicate 30 mins to an hour to unwind and do relaxing activities to prepare your body to sleep. This can include things like breathing exercises, taking a warm shower or bath, listening to calming music, reading a book or even meditating. 
  1. Create a good sleep environment: the right sleep environment can make it so much easier to relax and fall asleep. It starts from getting a comfortable bed and beddings to maintaining a dark, noise free bedroom. You should also ensure that your room is well ventilated and the temperature is right for you. 
  1. No naps: It is best to avoid napping during the day as naps can actually make it more difficult to fall asleep during the night. If you must nap, try to limit it to around 20 mins and avoid napping later than 3pm.
  1. Cultivate daily healthy habits: what you do during the day time can have a big impact on your sleep so, incorporating healthy routines into your day can contribute to improved sleep quality. Maintaining a healthy diet and getting regular exercise provide many health benefits including better quality sleep. You can also try cutting down on your alcohol intake and ensure that you get enough exposure to sunlight during the day. 
  1. Limit caffeine: it is best to avoid any caffeine containing food or drinks such as coffee, chocolate, cola drinks or caffeine containing teas 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. Caffeine is a stimulant and can interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night so it is best to limit its consumption to the mornings. 
  1. Don’t force it: if you get in bed and you are not able to fall asleep within 20 minutes, it is best to get up and do something else rather than tossing and turning. Not being able to fall asleep can be frustrating and this can make it even more difficult to fall asleep. Try getting out of bed and doing something relaxing such as reading a book until you feel tired again. 

In conclusion, the quality of your sleep is affected by various factors. Establishing healthy sleep habits can improve your ability to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed. Incorporating these set guidelines into your life will help you cultivate a healthy sleep hygiene and get you feeling your best throughout the day. 

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